Bruce Pike, CEO


Home Town: Frederick, MD

First Concert: Billy Joel

Favorite Food: Anything my wife makes. 🙂

Favorite Song Lyric: “Don’t mess with my toot toot, Don’t mess with my toot toot. Now you can have the other women, but don’t mess with my toot toot” – Rockin’ Sidney

Favorite Video Game: Contra (up up, down down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Select, Start)

Obsessed with… My wife Shelby, sons Bruce and Dean, and my daughter SadieRae

Favorite part about your job: Creating stellar events for our clients is what gives me the most joy.  Whether it’s a wedding, social or corporate event, knowing people rely on us to help them achieve their vision makes me very happy.


The rest of the team…

Photos: Pete Redel Photography